Saturday, May 07, 2005

And then they played Purple Rain.

Originally uploaded by AlexGates.
First I must apologize for the lameness of this strip. My inner 12 year old, holder of the pens and paints and sketchbook, had a very different vision. But somewhere along the way from his rocking concert fueled musings and my nervous hand putting pen to paper, there was an accident. Perhaps someday I will show you all what my first attempt at this drawing looked like, or it may be one I take wearily into the night, to use for kindling for that great bonfire on the beach we all strive for.

Second I must hand out a heartfelt thank you to all the people who have looked at my small slice of life I've managed to put up this week.

Thank you Comic Viewer. I hope the trip this week has been enjoyable. Tune in next week for more antics. Including: Some strips from April, at least one more page from Robot and Ghost go to the Moon, a rare daily sketch from Amber, and hopefully 7 more strips from yours truly.



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