Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What? You want some Karnov with that sandwhich?

Originally uploaded by AlexGates.
Sorry this scan is slightly crooked, I think my scanner is drunk.

Yesterday I'm minding my own business, eating lunch in my favorite deli style establishment, when I stumble across something in the USA Today that causes a stir of emotion deep inside my chest.

I will quote the article, which goes into some detail about the one of the new video game machines that are due out in 2006. Revolution is the name of Ninteno's next generation platform.

"Revolution will offer broadband access to a free Internet-based player matching service...that also will have downloadable versions of nearly every Nintendo game -- from arcade classic Donkey Kong through current titles such as Mario Sunshie. (Nintendo hasn't deciced whether downloading will be free.)"

Let that sink in. Every Nintendo Game. All of them. You want to play Wizards and Warriors? Go ahead. Or how about Elevator Action? Bring it on!

Needless to say I'm jazzed.

Off to watch Alias and Lost.



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